Thursday, July 21

The Virus of Bigotry

Someone called me a racist the other day. It was a remark made in jest when I declined the offer to have lunch at this new Malay restaurant nearby because I don't quite take to Malay food. I don't take chilli and well, like it or not, Malay food tends to get spicy and hosing my food down and coming back like an overstuffed water balloon isn't exactly what I would describe as a hearty lunch.

Even though I don't quite think he meant it, it shocked me all the same. I have a strange knack for being somewhat aware of society's lack of regard for those different from the majority, be it in the silence that shrouds them or the raucous voice of exclusionary legislation. I have an even great knack for not remaining silent about any of it. I guess it partly stems from the fact that I sometimes find myself on this other end of the continuum where I'm different, and not in a good sorta way, from everyone around me. On other occasions, I purposefully position myself there. I do take pride in my cultivated ability (I say cultivated because it takes a whole lot of learning and un-learning to see this) to be cognizant of this fence of bigotry that so often divides scores of otherwise analogous peoples. So you would see why I would be somewhat abashed at being called a pigheaded despotic red-neck bigoted racist. Okay sure, maybe not in so many words, but that was surely how it rung between my ears. 

But honestly I don't blame him for what he said, because God only knows its true. The virus of bigotry is as fiercely contagious as ten thousand ebola carrying monkeys scrambling through morning traffic and I see evidence of infection when I look at me, yes me. The hearty strains of the bigotry virus are difficult to see but they are there. The virus is strongest when I hear intolerant remarks made against those who are different and do nothing, and say nothing. Makes me feel like shit, but I honestly can't say much being where I am. I try to challenge myself to slay this monster day by day, its not easy, especially where I work (if you knew where I work, you'd understand what I mean). The virus, at least within me, will be purged someday.

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