Sunday, January 15

We should learn more about cars

Just sent my car in for servicing today and the bill came up to 900 over dollars! Shocked my skin off my face! Well, I didn't have to pay for any of it, except $80 I think for wiper blades cos' the car is under warranty so technically, everything should be free. Point is, I realise that I'll have to learn how to savvy about these things. Volkswagen rips you off big time, I mean $40 PER WIPER, how insane is that... then again I don't quite know how much wiper blades are suppose to cost anyway...

I realise I'm hardly savvy about these things, and honestly I should be. I'm getting older and I have no clue about these things. I've always depended on mum and dad to figure these things out for me and let me know what I have to do. I remember the first time I changed my tire and the guy told me I had to change the tires in pairs so that the car would be generally level, I actually thought he was trying to sell me one more tire than I needed! Of course, quick phone call to dad revealed that I was just being silly and yes tires should be changed in pairs. I really should try to learn more about these things...

Well, at least I know how to change my tires... theorectically that is...

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