Sunday, March 19

My Global Parents

Guess what? My folks are back and they are heading off again in 2 days time. 2 days! Gosh, sometimes I wish they wouldn’t drop in and out like that. Not that I don’t like having them around, but this dropping in and dropping out is immensely disruptive! I’m never quite sure when they are leaving and for how long… but to be fair, even though they started this migration thing a while back but with the building of our new house down under where they have to pick everything from flooring to design, I guess its no wonder they have to travel up and down quite a bit. But on my life, its somewhat unsettling sometimes. Then again, I think I’ve gotten somewhat used to things and have come to take it in my stride. I no longer exhibit strong sentiments when they leave or when they return. Having A around helps quite a bit, A’s consistently there, everyday which makes for some sense of stability I guess. Which reminds me, I should get my dad to fix my bathroom shower before he leaves…

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