Monday, April 3

My Parents Are Having More Fun Than Me!

I’m glad my parents are enjoying themselves down under. They just sent me this whole load of photos of the new house… well at least the little of it you can actually see. My parents are really cute sometimes, they are so excited about the building of the new house that they actually send me almost live updates on its progress…

“They’ve put up the roof…”
“They are going to start with the telephone wiring tomorrow…”
“The walls bricks are delayed. They will start work on laying wall bricks after 24 April…”

I’m pretty sure they spend most of their weekends just looking at the green tarp that is the house at the moment… cos’ they hardly tell me about what they are doing over there! Every time there’s an email from them, its about the house! I know more about what’s happening with the house than I do with them! But I’m glad they seem to be having fun over there, they deserve, to quote a friend, “to enjoy the fruits of their labour”, and to quote me, “and not leave any for me”.

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