Tuesday, May 30

The Link Between Schizophrenia and Blogging

Sometimes I forget what I write in my blog. Everytime my baby asks me what I last wrote about, I can never tell her because I can never remember! The week I was going to head down for crabs, my friend asked me when I was going to eat my famous Joo Chiat crab, and I had the most incredulous look on my face. How the hell did you know I was going to eat crabs? The answer was plain and simple. My friend had read it in my blog. Its actually quite precarious not being able remember these things, because you start wondering how people around you know what you know, where you go, and what you’re thinking. It sometimes makes me feel like I’m being stalked. Of course its all quite good for the ego to know people bother to stalk me, but it can be alarming sometimes too, feels like big brother is watching…closely. How did she know I went to the Night Safari? How did she know about that… and that… and that? My inner schizophrenia gets fed into. I start to have suspicions about people around me and wonder if it all a big alien conspiracy. Aliens who can tap into your very stream of consciousness and know what you think. See how dangerous it is not being able to remember what you write in your blog. I’ll probably end up with a severe case of schizophrenia one day. Cause? Blogging.

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