Tuesday, March 17

B School Here I Come!


A blog is almost an expletive these days. It seems to me that everyone has one (I had one for a long time coming), most people don't need one, and even more people don't care for it.

I've always enjoyed blogging simply because it lets me air my head, talk to myself without necessarily invoking the need for men in white to come after me with a harness. Plus now that I'm going to move miles away, I really should try to keep in better touch with the few friends I have back home. Yes, you! Stop looking around, I'm talking about you!

So here goes, my life in b-school. By the way, I hear b-school (that's short for business school) is a no walk in the park (of course I have to say this...) but seriously, I've heard from people who have attended b-school, its great, but you'll be grateful if you a good 6 hours of sleep. I'm just prepping everyone in case I start off this blog with a big bang, only to trail off into the sunset... you'll understand right?

So b-school, here I come! (By the way, I haven't even decided which one I'm heading too... Michigan, Indiana or Toronto... that is the question...
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