Sunday, April 19

Skinny Jeans and Boobies

I finally got my pair of skinny jeans so that I can feel (not necessarily synonymous with "look") like a model while I'm in Michigan. While at Mango, I thought since I'm going for the whole ultra slim/skinny look, maybe I should get myself a smaller size. Tried it on only to find that I end up have 2 sets of boobies - 1 set are my own, the other set is below the 1st set thanks to the skinny jean effect (i.e. my fats get rolled and pushed up my ribcage like a german sausage). And even thoughI do have a particular affinity for boobies, having 4 of 'em on me isn't exactly what I would call a turn on.

In the end, I bought the bigger size and ate Macdonalds fries and nuggets after that. Would much rather eat sausages (ok nuggets are close to sausages right? They're both processed meat that will kill you anyway.) than have them on me.

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