Thursday, July 31

Hmm...Coffee Anyone?

I was talking a friend the other day and she was going on and on and on about a mutual friend's blog. She was telling me how perfect our friend's life seemed to be, new husband, new kid, new boobs (from all that breastfeeding of course). I know this particular friend of ours, well at least way better than she does, and honestly I wouldn't want to be in her shoes for anything in the world. The last time I saw her, she had aged at least 10 years, and in spirit, she was an old old lady. I remember when we decided to meet a couple of mutual friends for coffee, she had a kid, three bags and a sailva stained towel hanging from her waist. Her hair was all dishevelled, and she looked like she hadn't slept in months. Coffee generally didn't go too well that day, and I haven't seen her since she left after junior threw up all over her.

Its not easy having a kid, being a new mom and wondering when you'll get to sleep an entire night through again in your lifetime. Not that being a mum is bad, its a bloody sacrifice and kudos to all mums out there. But its tough being a first time mum and we knew she had it tough. She didn't have that much help with the kid - shotgun with unsupportive parents-in-law, you can probably imagine. But her blog was just glowing about how wonderful being a mum was and how life had become luminous almost. I'm sure kids may have that effect, then again I'll never quite know, not planning to have any of my own thank god. But what I thought strange was the fact that she had to present herself as hacking this whole mothering thing so well on her blog while she ranted and raved about it over coffee.  

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