Tuesday, June 16

So Ungrateful

June 16, 2009
Helping foreigners fit in
Grassroots leaders start activities for them to bond with S'poreans ( an excerpt)
By Sue-Ann Chia & Ang Yiying
WITH more new immigrants living in Punggol Central, grassroots leaders in the area have created new activities to help them bond with Singaporeans... Most of the new immigrants are from India, China, the Philippines and Myanmar.  'They are usually very happy to be here and have settled in well,' Mr Chong said.

With his trademark grin, he added: 'When you ask Singaporean residents for feedback, they will complain that they have to wait more than 15 minutes for the bus. But when you ask new immigrants, they are happy that the bus comes in under 30 minutes.'

Absolutely thankless.  How can people ask or expect for public transportation to be better!  We should be counting our lucky stars if the bus comes in under 30 minutes.  We should hold ourselves to public transportation standards in India, China, the Philippines and Myanmar! We should definitely also start allowing live chickens on board.  Indeed we are on our way up the developed country hierarchy.  

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