Monday, July 13

Updates, albeit a really late one

I"m terrible at maintaining a blog. I wanted to document my journey into b school and all that and I haven't even started school and already I'm lagging behind in blog posts! I could never make a living writing I tell ya. Sure its fun one in a while, but anything more than that, I start resenting it.

Anyway been busy trying to work out the logistics of the move. Got my US plug adapters. Got my housing settled. Got my bags half packed. In essence I've pretty much got my life basically packed into 2 suitcases and ready to be shipped.

I'm start to freak out about the move really. The reality of cutting off all my ties here and uprooting myself is beginning to seriously sink in and I am FREAKING out big time.

In 2 weeks time, I'll be done with work. In 4 weeks time, I'll be on a plane to Michigan. In 6 weeks time, school starts.

Somehow this countdown seems more terrifying than it is exciting. Is that a sign?

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