Wednesday, August 5

The Lovely Bones

Dang!  The Lovely Bones is going to come to the cinema, directed by the Lord of the Rings mastermind Peter Jackson.

For the uninitiated, the Lovely Bones by Alice Seboid was the best read of 2002.  Its tells the story of Susan Salmon, who watches the aftermath of her murder from the afterlife. (She was brutally raped, murdered and dismembered)  I remember the book was absolutely intense but because of the way it was told, it took a very reflective stance.  The entire story is told from the perspective of Susan as she watches her family struggle with death while her killer goes on to live life.  

The story was borne from Alice Seboid's own experiences after having been raped during her freshman year at university.  

Ok I know, not quite the stuff of popcorn, but if the movie is the sum of its cast (Susan Sarandon, Rachel Weisz and Saoirse Ronan from Atonement), then I'm pretty sure its going to turn out great!

Can't wait.  Let's hope it shows in Michigan!  But before you watch the movie, read the book!

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