Monday, February 8

Congrats Nat and Kugen!!

Ok I finally put in my order in Amazon for Nat's wedding gift.  I hope it'll get to her on time.  I'll be missing her wedding cos well flying back isn't exactly an option for me right now.  Anyway, couldn't quite get her anything fancy, so ended up getting her this lovely book by Edward Monkton.   You see, I've always thought of Nat and Kugen as 2 very different people, he's a super sappy sweetheart (think hiding multiple Christmas presents at home for her to find kind of guy, think he wants to sing for her at the wedding kind of guy), she on the other hand, is well, not exactly the sappiest person you might find (think she says no to singing at the wedding kind of girl - although I must say Nat's a very sweet, very innately good person).  But the most amazing couples are the always the ones who celebrate their differences and I think that's what makes Nat and Kugen such a great couple.  Here's wishing the both of them a great start to a life together!

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