Wednesday, February 3


There's a lot of reading to do in the MBA program, lots of textbooks and even more business cases, and I spend probably half my day just reading most times.  I've always liked the reading aspect of academia, I guess that's why I majored in Sociology and English.  But all this reading, from financial economics to talent management, doesn't quite sooth the reader in me.  I use the fact that I already read so much as an excuse not to pick up a good book and yes its quite honestly just an excuse.  And that is why I've put in my order at Amazon for a used copy of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.  Yes I've always somehow had an attraction for books about women who are on the edge but this has been a book I've been meaning to pick up in years. Less TV, more reading.  Its February but its never too late for a new resolution.

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