Saturday, February 6


So I recently reconnected with someone from secondary school aka high school (ah Facebook, what you do to my social life I cannot even begin to fathom) and we started talking a little about old friends.  So well apparently, most of them are having or have had babies and are settling into a nice docile domestic life.  When the question "so what are you doing now" came to me, I just said, "well, no babies for sure but living in Michigan trying to get an MBA...".  (Yes I skipped the whole have I mentioned I'm gay part...)  All this was over email so I couldn't quite ascertain tone, but I do wonder what old friends think about me.  Instead of wedding pictures, photos of babies splashed all over their Facebook page, mine was of the recent tattoo I got, of drunken stupors, the great Michigan autumns... Instead of going gaga over the fact that a child said something funny, I'm tearing up over a good book.  Instead of singing along to Elmo, I'm dancing to Alicia Keys.  OK I'm making unfair comparisons I admit, but I'm quite honestly don't feel anything - jealously, pity or anything in between.  I feel nothing about the difference between our lives.  I know I used to, I used to wonder if I'm missing out, I used to also stick up my nose up at the docile domestic life but now I can proudly say I like my life, but at the same time I think they have a great life too.  I also recognize that its not for me, but if its for someone else, I'm happy for them, I really am.

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