Monday, March 29

Bolo Santosi

I got this via Mr Brown (a really popular Singapore blog) and its hilarious!  This is a montage of a character in the popular game Just Cause 2 called Bolo Santosi who is I guess a Southeast Asian islander.  I've never seen the game before so I don't know for sure but boy does it have some superb voice acting!  

So this sounds remarkably like the "original" Singaporean accent.  Original being in quotation marks please.  For folks who haven't heard a Singaporean speak, this is NOT how we talk.  I repeat this is NOT how I sound.  This is just a really bad, campy version, and for those of you who know what I mean, its very "Masters of the Sea"- a really really horrific drama series known for its bad script and worse accents. 

What's really interesting about the whole thing is this is US based game and apparently this is what an "exotic" Southeast Asian accent is suppose to sound like!  (The game is based on a fictional Southeast Asian island - I see the connection...)  Seriously couldn't they get a better voice actor to do this??  What I want to know who is hell voiced Bolo Santosi!
"My name is Bolo Santosi... I am the leader of the revolutionary army known as the Reapers..."

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