Tuesday, March 9

Fight Shape Update

So I've been heading to the gym almost every other day this week and well, I can't begin to tell you how much my muscles ache.  I try to exercise different muscle groups each time I'm there, just so I don't strain them, although I do think I might have strained my chest muscles this week.  Upped my weights to 40lbs this week on that machine that you push out on (yes I don't know a bit about these weight machines), and I think that might have a little too much.  I think I'm just going to stick to my cardio routine this week.

I'm seriously thinking of getting myself a personal trainer if for nothing else just to learn how to use these machines properly so that I don't hurt myself.  But at $30 bucks an hour, I'm waffling.  

But I do feel myself being able to handle longer bouts of cardio activity now and I'm really pleased with that.  I used to have trouble running one kilometer and now I'm up to about 3.  Not quite marathon level yet but I'll get there... some day.  I've been actually more engaged in incorporating "wind sprints" into my cardio workout, its supposed to help improve your aerobic performance and essentially make for a much better workout with less time.  

So that's my fitness update for now.  Keep running folks!

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