Monday, April 26


This is a sculpture by Lila Higgins.  In case you think this was put together with glue or nails or anything like that, you would be very wrong.  This is the art of rock balancing.  Its truly amazing, literally impossible and quite honestly absolutely blows my mind.  

The key to rock balancing is finding that very very unique balance.  Each rock needs to be positioned in exactly the right way in relation to all the other rocks.  This obviously takes time and lots and lots of patience.  It is certainly not an art form that I would personally take up.  Chances are, in my restlessness, I would end up throwing these rocks at passersby.  

On that note, this brings me to my thought for today - balance or in my case, the lack thereof.  I was tempted to write an almost philosophical piece on the art of balancing and all that, but figured I shouldn't subject anyone to it.  I guess it should suffice to say that at least I know how important this idea of balance is and how crucial it is to develop it (as oppose to finding it... but again, I promised I wouldn't get all philosophical).

Yes, another day of walking along the tight rope of life...

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