Thursday, December 16

Near Accident with Cream Cheese

Had a near accident today. It was one of those things. Went out to get myself a Southern Blend Ice Tea from the not-so-nearby Coffee Bean (don't ask me why... for some strange reason, I just had to have it...). Anyhoo, here I was turning (and it was green arrow too!) and this freakin' jerk in his vroom vroom kind of white honda civic whose suspension was so low I swear nothing could get between those wheels, beats the red light (the only consolation I got was that his picture got taken... that's 200 bucks mind you... I speak from experience) and zooms right across. I jammed my brake and stopped. Thank goodness I wasn't doing the things I usually do while driving, putting on make up, singing to point I'm totally distracted - there was this one time I sang my way to a wrong turn but that's another story. It was a pretty harrowing experience. But using what I learnt from my last real accident, just keep calm and I was once again on my way to my Southern Blend. Oh yeah, and I treated myself to a bagel and cream cheese once I got there. I figured I could have had a serious accident... why not just live a little and have that cream cheese... mmm...


  1. You shoulda had a nice big piece of ice cream cake too..Now THATS living..heh


  2. They didn't have mudpies or ice cream cakes... but a bagel with cream cheese is heaven to me already...

  3. there's always 1001 reasons why you "have to" do anything? And.... u just wanted that cheesecake aint it? ;)

  4. Who is this again? I just wanted a Southern Blend ice tea and decided to add a bagel with cream cheese to that order. With or without a near accident I could have gotten that darn bagel but being a calorie watcher, I probably wouldn't have without the jolt, that's all.

  5. im just kidding doode. Nothing personal. Anyhow, it was only thru my near-death car accident in Scotland did I realised how fragile life is. Living a little, letting yourself loose, bending the rules, what's life without them? :)

  6. Hey how come you're never on MSN?

    - Ant
