Monday, January 23


I dislocated my shoulder sometime last year. Just one of those silly accidents you never quite see coming. Can’t quite remember the pain of it when my shoulder actually *popped* out of its socket, but I manage to catch a glimpse of that forgotten pain yesterday. Yes it was a biting reminder that I am getting old, every single day. My guess is its probably arthritis, but gawd, my shoulder ached to no end yesterday. For hours, it just felt like I was carrying sacks of rice on that one miserable shoulder. I imagine coolies would probably understand what I’m talking about. In those hours of agony, what the doctor told me the last time I saw him kept ringing between my ears, “this shoulder of yours is probably going give you some problems as you get older”. Hello? He said as “you get OLDER”… I didn’t figure OLDER meant in a couple of months time. I thought OLDER meant well, for the lack of a better word, OLDER. Like when you have to have someone chew your food for you. OLDER, like when your tits start sagging to your belly button. Obviously, this is shoulder is going to torture me for a far longer time than I imagined. It’s a constant reminder that I’m getting OLDER… slowly moving towards that day when I’ll need someone to chew my food for me while I flip my boobs over my shoulder.

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