Friday, March 10

Scrooge Macduck

I think I'm a pretty prudent person these days. Most of my friends would probably tell you this hasn't always been the case. When I was in school, money seemed far easier to come by. Back then it was a matter of putting my hand out to dad or swiping his credit card without much consideration about where the money was actually came from. I remember wanting to head off to Europe for a month with some friends before I started grad school and it was simple matter of explaining to dad & mum why I deserved that European holiday and how I could never afford to pay for it. Before you could say what-in-the-world, I was on my way to Frankfurt. And the worse part of all was that back then, I was a show-off. I had the moo-lah and wasn't afraid to let people know about it.

Now that I've started working and am earning my own keep, I'm far tighter with how I spend my extremely hard earned money. Holiday to Europe and blowing off $8K doing that? I don't think so. Eating at Crystal Jade everyday when I can have my $2 noodle at my canteen? I don't think so. Going to watch that Franz Ferdinand concert when I can just get the CD and watch MTV? I don't think so. For months on end, I was carrying around with me my "holy" phone (yes it actually had a hole in it) until A got me a new one, probably out of sympathy I reckon. Now I'm carrying around possibly the ugliest lap top bag because the last one gave out on me and well, as long as it works, I've no qualms about it. I've practically become scrooge macduck! Maybe its a sign that I'm growing old and most definitely poorer...

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