Wednesday, May 31

Meme: 100 Things About Me

Because I have nothing else to write about.

Because my friend asked me to do this.

Because I’m sometimes horribly narcassistic.

Because you decided to read this meme.

100 Things About Me

  1. I am a Leo. Not that astrological signs matter to me, but people always seem interested to know.
  2. I have my serious doubts about astrology. I can’t fathom how being born at certain times determines your personality. That being said, I do read them.
  3. I have 3 piercings in my right ear, and only 1 in my left. I’m not sure why this is so.
  4. I don’t have a tattoo, although sometimes I wish I had one. It’s the pain and permancy of it that puts me off.
  5. I have small size 3 feet. This makes if difficult for me to buy shoes. I do wish I had slightly bigger feet. The nice shoes always start at size 4 and above. Think about On Pedder and Nine West shoes… yes all size 4 or 5 and above.
  6. I yearn for perfect skin. My sensitive skin makes me prone to demalogical problems. This has always been a sore point with me.
  7. I wish I was taller, but will not break my bones for it. This is far less a sore point with me.
  8. I wear my watch on my right hand, even though I am right handed. Yes, it does get in the way sometimes. I usually take it off when I’m working but of course that defeats the purpose of wearing a watch. Don’t ask me why I even bother.
  9. I dream in colour, I really do.
  10. I talk in my sleep. I sometimes scream and shout in my sleep too, not to mention kicking and flaying. Yes, I’ll convey your sympathies to my sweetheart.
  11. I’m gay. I really like women.
  12. I like being gay, although sometimes, in real life, it can be extremely difficult.
  13. I’m not out to everyone, just people I choose to be.
  14. My girlfriend is also not out to everyone. Just people she chooses to be.
  15. My parents don’t yet know that I’m gay. I will tell them one day. Hopefully soon.
  16. I have one elder brother who is married with child. Although we are not close, I am more open to telling him about my orientation.
  17. I have a fantastic girlfriend whom I rave about incessantly on this blog. I think my friends are starting to get sick of it.
  18. Yes, I am very much in love. Its something that is quite obvious to everyone around me. I don’t think I’ve ever been so in love before.
  19. I am a horribly mushy hopeless romantic.
  20. I am the touchy feely type. My girlfriend isn’t. This sometimes creates minor problems.
  21. My parents have migrated. As much as I love the freedom of being by myself, I do miss them tremendously.
  22. My parents love me a lot, so much that they spoil me rotten. I admit I can be quite a spoilt brat sometimes.
  23. I love to write, except when its related to work.
  24. I am not a perfectionist. I think margins for error are natural and sometimes useful.
  25. I'm not particularly enamoured by my job anymore, but 'it pays the bills'.
  26. One of my greatest weaknesses is my inability to motivate myself when faced with tasks I find r e a l l y dull and meaningless.
  27. Like now, for instance: I should be finishing up my presentation that's due today, not writing this seemingly unending list.
  28. I have a secret desire to take up art classes. I think I’m quite good at drawing and painting.
  29. I love animals. I’m a dog person. I used to have hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, and once even a duck.
  30. I only have a few close friends. I’m friendly but I do not make friends very easily.
  31. I am very much a social introvert. I need my time with me, myself and I to fully enjoy the outside world which sometimes weighs upon me if I do not have the time to regroup within myself.
  32. I think too much.
  33. I don’t drink coffee because its too bitter for my taste.
  34. I don’t go clubbing much because loud music, alcohol and dancing aren’t quite my cup of tea. When I do go, I usually get quite tipsy because I cannot hold my liqour.
  35. I don't particularly like stupid people. I know that’s pompous but sometimes I wish I could put them altogether and let them live in a community all by their idiotic selves. But I can't…lucky for them.
  36. I can have a HUGE ego.
  37. I am a real snob at times.
  38. It is nothing short of an irony that I am also terribly insecure as a person. My ego and insecurity feed on each other.
  39. I think my inherent insecurity makes me an antsy person, although this is mostly well hidden.
  40. I think that explains why I don’t take criticism well. I either don’t show it or laugh it off, but I know it eats me up inside.
  41. I want to feel comfortable with who I am.
  42. I fear I may be the kind of person who needs a steady stream of reassurance.
  43. At the same time, I do not share my personal problems easily.
  44. I cry easily…sometimes too easily.
  45. I’m indecisive. I have problem deciding what to eat, what to wear, what to buy. Nothing is ever simple.
  46. I had my first crush on my secondary school teacher. She was, and still is, one hot mama. To this day, I can remember her phone number and use her name as my password.
  47. I hate to exercise.
  48. I can’t jog because I get this heat rash on my thighs whenever I do. My doctor says my skin isn’t used to the rush of blood and all I can do about it is to run and make my skin get used to it. Yeah right…
  49. I am horrible at ball games. I do not like balls and have absolutely no ball sense.
  50. That said, I’m quite a good swimmer. I used to swim for my school.
  51. I have won a few medals but hardly anything worth boasting about.
  52. I do not look like a swimmer.
  53. I was clumsy as a child. I have many scars to prove this.
  54. I fell terribly while rollerblading in Seletar Hills. The scars on my knees continue to be testament as to why Seletar Hills is called Seletar Hills (and hence not quite the place for an amateur rollerblader).
  55. I am still clumsy now. I have many scars to prove this as well.
  56. I am not a religious person, although I had a religious upbringing.
  57. I honestly think religious fundamentalism, in all its various forms, is problematic.
  58. If you try to shove religious mumbo jumbo down my throat, I will bite your head off.
  59. I am agnostic, which means I believe in the existence of God… just not your or the religious institution’s conception of it.
  60. I don’t like flowers. I think flowers should be left on plants. My girlfriend on the other hand loves flowers.
  61. I can be sweet.
  62. I can also take your head off and hand it back to you.
  63. But sometimes I’m such a pushover.
  64. I’m not innocent although I can be naïve.
  65. I have an overactive imagination, particularly as a child. I lived in my own world. I think that worried my parents.
  66. I used to have an imaginary friend named Edward. Wait a second, Edward is still here. Say hello, Edward. Edward has always been way more sociable than me. I envy Edward.
  67. I have also been known to talk to myself at times. Don't worry…it doesn't mean I'm psychotic…well not much at least.
  68. I crack my knuckles, wrist, ankles and back. It’s a force of habit which I’m too lazy to try to break.
  69. I am most certainly a feminist, and proud of it. That being said, I recognize that feminism comes in various forms and will not label myself to any one... liberal, post modernist, Marxist or anything else that academics might decide to invent.
  70. I'm jealous of the people behind the popular weblogs.
  71. And yet generally I find people with lots to say irritating.
  72. I sing loudly and obnoxiously when I am alone in the car and sometimes in the shower but am terrified of singing in public.
  73. I can sing the theme song of Pinky and the Brain and the Gummi Bears.
  74. I am nearly blind without my glasses or contacts.
  75. I believe afternoon naps should be legislated.
  76. I love and hated graduate school. I loved the reading, the research, having lengthy discussions on ivory towered issues that would never matter in the real world. I hated the competition among graduate students, the arrogance, the smugness.
  77. I think I’m actually quite a geek, trying hard not to be one.
  78. I have a terrible habit of biting my nails.
  79. For some strange reason, my little toe nail is extremely small.
  80. I can’t do math for nuts. I can rattle on about the social construction of reality but give me a math sum and I’m stumped.
  81. I have never dated someone younger than me.
  82. I have a thing for nice watches.
  83. I’m scared of horror movies. I almost never watched them.
  84. I don’t like cutesy things. I never know what to do with them.
  85. I’m not particularly fond of children. I also never quite know what to do with them.
  86. I am not good with money, even though I try to be. I never quite know where it goes.
  87. I have a thing for shower foams. I love buying them. I’m currently using the new Dove Refreshing shower foam with cucumber and green tea extract. Its very nice.
  88. I like raw beef. I like my steak bloody rare. Mmm…
  89. I love my girlfriend’s Vongole. Home-made vongole usually comes with massive number of clams.
  90. Yes, I LOVE seafood, crustaceans in particular.
  91. I haven’t found any food that I’m allergic to. I am very thankful for this.
  92. But I am not a foodie. I eat when I have to and will not pay exorbitant amounts for food that will be passed out in 8 hours.
  93. Edward, stop yanking on my shirt. I only have 10 more to go. Promise we’ll talk once I’m done.
  94. My mother is Shanghainese. I’m very proud of that, even though I’m not quite sure what people think of the Shanghainese. I just like the sound of it.
  95. I go to the Seletar Reservoir whenever I’m horribly upset. Its amazingly quiet at night.
  96. I have met with a total of 2 car accidents since the day I started driving. For one of them, my airbags blew up. I’m thankful I wasn’t hurt.
  97. I like my house.
  98. I like my girlfriend’s house too.
  99. I’ve been doing this bloody list for the past month.
  100. No matter how much I love talking about myself, and I do, I found it hard to come up with 100 things to say.

Ok there we’re done. God, my first meme and I had to pick the one which has a listing of a hundred. I’ll never do this again.

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