Tuesday, July 4

Chicken Soup

A is going to be away for the entire week which basically means I have to cook my own meals myself or at some point lose my entire stomach to my own gastric juices. So I made a huge pot of chicken soup yesterday... yes real chicken soup from real live, erm sorry I meant real dead chicken, onions, carrots and potatoes. It actually turned out pretty good... well it better be with all the ingredient I stuffed in. And this entire pot of soup should last me a good three days. I usually cook my food in fairly large batches, only because it means I have to wash up only once, I get to use up all the ingredients rather than stuffing a half shaven carrot back into the refrigerator, it easier than cooking miniscule amounts and I never have to worry about cooking again, at least for the next couple of days.

Here's my recipe (ok it isn't so much of a recipe than it is just dumping everything into a pot of water):

  • Half a chicken (which has to be scoured with hot water first)

  • 1 red onion (this makes the soup nice and sweet.)

  • 3 potatoes (have I mentioned I love potatoes?)

  • 2 carrots (these really end up being soft and yummy.)

  • Salt for taste (where would we be without good ol' sodium?)

  • That's it! Just put everything together, boil boil boil, simmer simmer simmer, and voila, great chicken soup. And I lurve chicken soup.

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