Friday, June 30

Deadly Syndrome - BEWARE!

Its funny how some people remind you of some other person you don't like so much that you almost instantly dislike them. Ok that was a mouthful. Well there's this colleague who reminds me so much of this other girl that I don't like that almost everything she does just seems uncanningly irritating. From her telephone manners to the way she tries way too hard, it is all too uncanny for my comfort. It makes me realise that there are various types of people (yes I realise this is rather judgmental), and those within the same type generally share similar characteristics, mannerisms and demeanour. There are types that would get along famously, and then there are the types which just won't. So I wonder, what type would I be? Well probably the snobby show off type. Yes I can be quite self aware. I'm usually the one with the smart retorts at work but I take it as well as I give it. I'm the butt of too many jokes at the office.

But yes back to my colleague. I think she's suffering from the Singaporean who has gone to Australia to study syndrome. We all know that locals who go to Australia to study aren't, well, again I know a judgmental sweeping statement, the best scholars around. I mean, most times they only go there because they can't go anywhere else, and its the nearest place to get themselves a piece of paper. So yes back to my Singaporean who has gone to Australia to study syndrome. My colleague is a prime example of some of the symptoms one might suffer upon return. One, they think they are smarter/better because they've had a "overseas Western" education. I'm sorry to break it to you, but getting an Aussie education isn't necessarily prime in my opinion. If you graduated head of your class, I might give you kudos. But if you think you're smarter because you've had this Aussie education, well well, explain why then I got a scholarship to study here while you had to fly down under because no local uni would take you. Two, they think they ARE Aussie. My colleague has been rooting and raving for the Aussie football team AS IF she were Aussie. Hate to break it to you mate, you're not Aussie. Hell, my parents live in Australia and I feel no affinity for the land down under. So quit waving the Aussie flag in my face please. Three, they go on and on about what Australia has, and what Singapore doesn't. Hey, if its that grand, why don't you just go back?

So yes, the Singaporean who has gone to Australia to study syndrome. Its deadly and it makes you very unlikeable. I would suggest immediate treatment for all those inflicted with this horrible syndrome.

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