Wednesday, June 7

Bloggers Are Necessarily Narcissistic

I like reading what I wrote. Does that make me a narcissist? I mean honestly, I think I’m my biggest fan. See the stat counter at the bottom of the page, its hardly impressive I know, but imagine how much more unimpressive it would be if I wasn’t my biggest fan. I’ve actually read most of my entries many times over and sometimes, I even read my entries from just a couple of days ago and giggle to myself (except of course for my invectives against religious fundamentalists which then gets my blood pressure up again).

Seriously, does that make me self absorbed and smug? There are books I could read again, but the thought that I know the end of the plot makes me want to fast forward through the book and get it over and done, in which case I think to myself, then why even bother re-reading the book if you aren’t really going to read it. That’s why I say there are books I could re-read again, but won’t probably get past myself to actually do it. My stuff on the other hand, I could read over and over again… every single sentence. That must sound weird. But how could I not like what I wrote (not in a pompous ass sense…), I mean I wrote it didn’t I? I must like it at least a little to want to put it up here for everyone to read and judge. What would actually be weirder would be if I didn’t like what I wrote… which would therefore mean, there wouldn’t be a now would there? Either that, you would find my arms in a tangle because right brain says to blog while left brain goes shut the hell up. Point and case, all bloggers are probably narcissistic, self absorbed weirdoes.


  1. It's disgusting when I realise how many grammatical mistakes I made when I re-read my posts, and how many others might have scorned at my command of the language without my knowledge.

  2. yeah tell me about it... grammatical schmmatical I say... its your blog so who care if its got grammatical flaws... :)

  3. when it's me correcting my own mistakes, I wonder why I just didnt get it right the first time. And this correlates itself to other things I did/do, blah blah blah... I'm just beginning to realise how imperfect I am.

    Hmmm... heck, I am happy the way I am, and I'm glad everyone ard me loves me for what I am.
