Saturday, March 29


I never bothered much about the iPhone, simply because it seemed far too difficult to own one and even if you had one, you had to get it cracked and all that jazz. I knew I wouldn’t be up to something like that, plus the price tag really turned me off. I mean they were selling it for over a thousand bucks here in Singapore. How crazy is that?

Anyway, A just came back from a business trip to San Francisco and guess what A got me? Yeap an iPhone. How cool is that? And of course, how sweet is A.

I’ve been reading forums, watching Youtube videos and have cracked and done everything you need to do to enjoy the iPhone. It wasn’t too difficult actually, the hacking software has progressed so much, its practically a one button solution.

So here I am enjoying my new iPhone and it is the phone of phones... I can’t begin to describe its coolness. And it works great with a Mac, everything is simple and easy to use and of course, it looks great (and makes me look great too!). And yes I have been doing a little showing off by toying around with it in the lift, knowing some other geek is looking over my shoulder at my iPhone! :)

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