Monday, April 7

Work Stuff

Things are starting to get complicated at work. Factions are starting to develop, particularly between my team and another unit. And now, my boss has started to say “no, we can’t share this with them...” and “see how they try to take all the credit...”. Sure I understand where she’s coming from. No one wants someone else to take credit for their work, but its just strange to me that the animosity can be so blatant. Maybe its a big bank thing, I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t like to play, but I’ll play along.

In other news, stuff - like the audit review of another team - has landed on my lap. God knows how that happened, and all I got was the sales pitch that this is good for me, its for people with high potential, you get to learn a lot and all that jazz. Frankly, I’m not sold, but what could I say? Sorry, too busy to audit some other team, find someone else. Yeah right. Its all a sham. Our bigger boss likes to ask my boss for volunteers and my boss just happens to like volunteering people, mostly me. Our team is a strange mix, I’m the projects person, I don’t do day-to-day things which means I’m quite obviously the one wearing red when everyone else is wearing white. I need to learn to say no, I really do.

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