Monday, June 30

Student Meals

Ok, I must admit I don't quite look my age, particularly on Friday when I'm no longer in heels and a jacket. Friday is dress down casual day and I take full advantage of the fact that I no longer need to squeeze my little feet (little as they may be, they still hurt in heels!) in my closed toed heels. In fact, I'm usually in jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers. I used to dress up a little more on Friday, with more casual heels and sometimes a strange flowy flowery top, but what the hell, its Friday, if I wanna wear sneakers, who's going to stop me?

Anyway I digress. So Friday. I was in my t-shirt and sneakers and was heading for lunch with my boss and another older colleague of mine. We finally decided on Pizza Hut (god knows why) and we sat down to peruse the menu. The elderly waitress, who was probably 50 or so, kudos to Pizza Hut for hiring older workers, kept telling me about the student meal discount.

"If you have your student pass with you, you can get $2 off the set meal. But you will need to show your student pass. Do you have your student pass with you?"

I just smiled and said no. I didn't get the student rate and my boss and colleague were laughing their heads off. It would have been funnier if this didn't happen in front of my boss, who as cool as she is, I don't quite want her to think I'm a child... 

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