Wednesday, July 2

Belbin profile

My company recently paid good money to have us profile ourselves using Belbin profile - a tool to understand teams and the people who make up the teams.  It was a 360-degree evaluation - my peers, my bosses and I answered a simple questionnaire about, you guessed it, me.  The results were rather telling.  Apparently, I'm a plant.  What in freakin' hell in a plant?  That's what I thought too.  Was it my green fingers or the fact that I'm green (in an ecological sense) or worse still that I was as non-descript as a plant?  Apparently, none of the above.  Plants are generally creative, imaginative, unorthodox people who enjoy solving difficult problems.  Basically, the idea generator in a team.  Sounds pretty good eh, yeah, until you get to the flip side.  Generally, plants tend to be too pre-occupied with their own thoughts and neglect practical matters and details.  Problems with strong plants are that they may look down on others and have too strong an ownership of ideas that they don't cooperate. 

All I could think of was shit, it does sound like me!  And the worse part is, the problems sound more like me that the positive aspects of being a plant! 

Anyway, here are snippets of the write-up on me.  

"Your profile shows that you are a strong thinking type."

"Do not be tempted into a general debate that can lead to "paralysis by analysis.""

"Your operating style is closest to that of strategic leadership, which is usually available only at senior positions. However, before such an opportunity could present itself, you are likely to need credibility at the operational level. That might pose problems in your case.  Possibly, you would be well advised to make a team-role sacrifice by dealing as effectively as you can with issues that don't excite you. That may be the necessary prelude to reaching the position to which in the long run you are best suited. The good news is that the longer you survive, the more likely you are to become a valued contribution and to gain the greatest sense of personal fulfilment. "
Ok I'm not at a very senior position.  So does this mean I have to grit my teeth and bear the increasingly mundaness of things?  By the way, all this underscores what I've been feeling the past few months, that I'm in the wrong job and that I should be heading back to policy-type work.  I don't think that's what the company intended when they did this profile.   Anyway, it seems like a good time to look for a new job, considering how many people have left my department for newer and better positions, its high time I got off my lazy ass and did the same!

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