Sunday, August 16

Love Pack from Home

My colleagues are a funny bunch of people.  They sent me an SOS pack from home consisting of cup noodles, seng buay, 101 chinese songs on 6 CDs, milo, my half used note books from the office, some ugly pouch, a fancy contact lens holder, prawn crackers, a top from Mango, did I miss anything?

Admittedly was kinda touch when i got it.  Teared a little.  Everyone's been super supportive since I moved here and its been great.  I don't think I've ever felt this popular in my life!  Nonetheless, I miss everyone back home... never thought I'd miss people from work, but you see them for 10 hours a day (sometimes even more!), its hard not to miss that familiarity.  

If you guys are reading this, know that I am truly grateful and I miss you.

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