Monday, August 17

No To Rape

I know most people don't think about this much, but marital rape is an important issue.  

I don't personally know anyone who has been raped, within the context of marriage or otherwise.  Rape is rape, regardless whether or not the person suffers from it within the context of holy matrimony or not!  Most people assume marital rape isn't as bad simply because wives already have sexual histories with their husbands.  I seriously beg to differ. Rape by an absolute stranger as traumatic as it is, is likely a one off event, perhaps one that occurred out of sheer chance even and is certainly and surely constituted as rape. Marital rape on the other hand is more likely the result of an abusive relationship and seldom a one off event.  In fact, I think its worse when its done to you by someone you actually know, and maybe even loved.  And like bad icing on a cake, the law doesn't even recognize it as rape.  

There is a website and they are collecting signatures for a petition to repeal Section 375(4) and Section 376A(5) of the Penal Code.  I've signed it.  Have you?

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