Tuesday, October 27

Third Eye Who?

Ok so the other night, I went to catch Third Eye Blind at the Auditorium.  Paid a good 30 bucks for my ticket.  Third Eye who you say?  Ah yes Third Eye Blind, the early version of Blink182, the band from when I was still young and nubile.  

*Doo doo doo, doo, doo doo... the sky was gold, it was rose, I was taking sips of it through my nose...*

So the concert turned out to be absolutely awesome, save for the fact that I was probably one of the oldest chicks in there.  Mostly young, yummy undergrads (then again, you do realize this is a school auditorium...) but I had my fun, singing and bouncing to familiar songs.  Oh wait, there was a glitch in this whole thing.  The opening act by some Nashville group was shall we say less exciting that I'd hope for.  It was rock but for the life of me, I couldn't quite make out a tune.  Back in Singapore, opening acts are like what, 10 minutes long?  Here its a full 40 minute set.  Gees.  We were just sitting there, just waiting for it to be over.  But apart from that, I thought the concert went great.  Definitely took me back to when I was 18 or so... in fact, you know who introduced me to Third Eye Blind?  The ex-boyfriend... mmmm... but let's not go there today...

*Turn around, our back on each other. That's a good idea, break a promise to your mother Turn around your back on each other...*


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