Monday, February 15

Aesthetics and the Program

I’ve always been a creative person.  I like writing, painting and generally creating things.  Aesthetics are very important to me.  These skills are however hardly valuable in an MBA program.  The only time my creative and aesthetic streak comes in is when we need to make slides.  I’m the official slide creator in my team and while I know no one else wants this job, I actually enjoy it.  I enjoy putting slides together, making sure that the colors are thematically sound and consistent.  Images need to be of good enough quality such that they feature well on a projector.  More than that, images should always always blend in well with the background.  Nothing irks me more than images with a white background on a grey slide.  Yew.  All boxes in a group of slides should fall in exactly the same spot so that when you move from slide to slide, you don’t see that “jump”.  I use gridlines.  Yes I am THAT anal.

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