Sunday, February 21

The Big Chop

So a while ago I was debating whether to cut my hair.  Well I did!  I chop most of it off and am now back to being a bobbit!

I ended up at Douglas J eXchange which was at the Marriot and boy was it fancy!  Walking in, someone would greet us, take our coats and give us drinks.  It was all very fancy schmancy and I felt like a genuine tai tai.  

Anyway over and beyond the fanciness, one thing I really appreciated about cutting my hair in the US was the amount of attention they pay to you!  Val, my hair stylist who super easy on the eye, was totally awesome.  She knew how nervous I was about the big chop and wow did she spend time explaining to me what she was going to do, she always cut a little longer than she wanted to so that I would feel it and agree that it could go shorter.  That's twice the amount of work!  Throughout the hour long hair cut (yes that's how long it took), Val was an absolute joy to be around.  She was so encouraging, positive and excited about how cute I would look with short hair and bangs and while cynics might point to the fact that it might just be "customer service" but what can I say, it made me feel good about my choice to chop it off.  I felt assured that it would all turn out not just well, but great!  And it did turn out great.  Totally great.  (And just to curb those cynics, Douglas J has a no tipping policy, so it wasn't for the tips!)

This really beats hands down any hair salon experience I've had back home (and mind you, I have gone to The Salon at the Wheelock, yes the one by Georgie Yam, famed celebrity hair guru).  Every time I step into a hair salon back home, I'm always berated on why I didn't come in sooner, why is my hair this / that way, or I get upsold on products and services.  I've never had a hair stylist who seemed so genuinely excited about how my hair would turn out and how great I would look.  So here I am, looking awesome in all my bobbitness and really happy.  

So how do you like the big chop?

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