Monday, February 22

Curling Curlers - How They Began

We're right smack in the midst of the 2010 Winter Olympics and being in the mid-west surrounded by feet of snow, you can't help but be inspired to catch a couple of events.  All this brings me to the game of curling.  Its a serious olympic sport, just look at their intensity as they brush the ice.  My question is how did they become curlers (I think this is what they're called...)?  Did they sit up at night as children dreaming to one day wield a broom-like instrument crazily brushing ice?  I wonder what they said when they were asked, what do you wanna do when you grow up?  I wanna scrub ice, I REALLY wanna scrub ice.  OR maybe, and here's my theory, they were tortured as children, much like Cinderella, made to clean and scrub basements day in and out.  Having harnessed no other marketable skill, they took to the sport of curling.  I can imagine talent scouts heading to poor neighborhoods hunting down these children to train them as the next *insert name of famous curler*.   Either that or they just use the janitors at the ice rink.  Either way.

But in spite of the ever increasing number of jokes about curling, its serious business.  Did you know there's an official curling calendar?  Did you know there's a nude curlers calendar too?  (mostly looks like hot women with brooms to me, but hey I'm not complaining, hot women, brooms or otherwise)  AND don't forget to subscribe to curling news and get it right to your door!
But seriously how did curling become an Olympic Sport while bowling still isn't?  (I'm partial towards bowling cos a friend of mine used to bowl professionally.)  Someone on the Olympic committee must have had serious issues as a kid.  And in case you have NO CLUE what the heck I'm talking about, watch this.  Yes curling rocks.

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