Saturday, February 13

The Fight to Get Into Shape

Things haven't been all hunky dory around here and I find myself just tired, emotionally drained, full of self doubt, temperamental and all in all someone I don't want to be.  There's so much anxiety I need to work through and the best way I can think of is to get myself back into fighting shape.  Sure I've been running here and there, probably once or twice a week but this has hardly been enough for me to get into any real shape.  You see, most times, I'm pretty easy on myself.  On a good day, I could run for a good 30 minutes, on a bad day, I can hardly get past 5 and I let myself get away with that.  No more Cheryl, no more.  You are going to push through, work through this anxiety, slam dunk your way through this crap and get yourself into shape.  I'm sure its going to make me more focused, more centered and definitely less of an emotional basket case. 

So its off to the gym I go.

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