Thursday, March 25


We have lots of professors at the business school but we all have our favorites.  Mine happens to be one of the awesome-est professors we have.  She's super smart (she finished her PhD in 4 years!  Beat that!), she's very very well spoken, I love her little Southern accent (not heavy but in a good sort of way), she's very charismatic, plus she has perfectly french manicured nails (I notice fingers a lot for some reason) and really pretty blue eyes.  

So imagine my delight when someone in class told me that she might be gay.  She does give off a certain vibe I admit and coupled with suspect facebook pictures... fodder for the rumor mill.  Some people think she definitely is gay, others aren't sure, and well for me, I don't know for sure but I am hoping she does bat for my team.  

I'm actually very conscious, and this probably because I tend over-think things in general, on how I react to news like that.  To say I'm not intrigued or curious would be a big fat lie, but outwardly when my classmates talk to me about it, I do try to maintain an air of "uh huh... yeah so" kind of attitude.  I consciously do this because I'm on the same side of the fence.  People around me know I'm gay and the whole "oh wow, she's gay????" kind of conversations that I'm sure go on aren't conversations I would personally like to hear about me.  So I think its important for me to not have, at least publicly, double standards.  I won't feed the rumor mill, I won't engage in speculations, I won't act surprised or gossip because as curious as I am, and I'm probably more curious than most, I feel like I need to behave differently from my straighter classmates as an example of how I want to be treated.

Perhaps I do over-think things, perhaps no one even notices my reactions, but I notice them and isn't that the most important part?  So while I can't say this to my classmates, I will say it here, OMG she might be gay!!  I am excited, I am intrigued and I wish knew for sure.  And yes, I did check out her facebook page.  Can you blame me?  :)

1 comment:

  1. haha i react the same way when i remember to. not because i don't want people to be kaypohing about me in a similar manner but because i feel the need to maintain an adult disposition :P.
