Friday, March 5

The Facebook of Reunions

So guess who has a high school class reunion coming up?  Moi.  March 13.  Apparently quite a couple of people from my old class (people I honestly don't even remember!) are going to be there.  Oh well.

I'm not one for big fat reunions.  I don't quite enjoy the small talk and the questions.  I like reunions when its people I actually care to meet again, people who have been part of my life in some significant way but somehow I've lost touched with.  Not one of these big fat reunions where everyone's just trying to compare lives.  Maybe its because I'm cynical.  

Why would people head to a class reunion anyway?  These are the possible reasons I could think of:
1)  To see who got fat and ugly
2)  To network network network (sorry had to throw this bit in since its been drummed into my head by my career services office)
3)  To brag about how you invented post-its (yes god damn it I watched Romy and Michelle's high school reunion)
4)  If you've watched one too many Hollywood shows, to if you can hook up with some former crush (in my case since I studied in an all girl's school, this bit is a tad exciting for me!)

Anyway, I have a point to this list.  I don't need a reunion to find most of these things out, ok except for the part about hooking up with an old crush... I have freakin' facebook!  I mean seriously, I already know all I need to know, or even want to know about the people heading to this class reunion.  I've made my own judgements, come to my own conclusions and already feel like I've walked away with a heart filled with sentimental nostalgia.  See why I love technology?  

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