Thursday, March 4

Who Cares what a 3 Year Old Wears??

So there's been a tad bit of hype on why Angelina is turning her daughter Shiloh into a boy and well most lesbian media has been abuzz with WTFs.  So I'd thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth.

So the girl wears boys clothes, carries a sword like the swashbuckling pirate she hopes to be one day, big fat freakin hairy deal.  So I'm going to cast my mind back to when I was a slightly smaller person, maybe when I was about 9 or so.  I remember I was a kid who absolutely hated wearing skirts.  I hated dresses, I hated ribbons.  I hated pink.  Anything representative of femininity in its socially constructed glory.  I like dressing like a boy then too - only jeans, sometimes the occasional bermudas (it was the early 90s) and lots of sneakers.  I remember I even wore a tie once, a ghastly one at that.  So sure I'll admit I was into the whole androgynous thing at one point, after all,  I grew up in an all girls school and well being a girly girl in that situation was totally frowned upon.  The most outstanding and drool-worthy girls in our school were athletes who were out there in the sun running, sweating, yelling - they weren't interested in skirts or dresses.  In fact, if the netball association then didn't require players to wear those culottes, most of them would have never seen the flip side of a skirt for years to come.  

Fast forward to 2010.  Do I wear bermudas still?  Yeah with a nice tank top and flip flops if the weather permits.  Might I add my favorite berms are in cameo colors?  Do I wear skirts and dresses?  Sure if the occasion calls for it.  Do I wear jewelry?  Totally.  I love pretty necklaces, I love wearing make up, I don't wear a lot of skirts/dresses only cos' I think they make me look shorter than I already am, but I wear pink, along with black and any other color,  So no one is interested in my wardrobe I get that.  Point is, who cares what you wore as a kid?  My parents let me wear whatever I wanted to, even that ghastly tie.  I think I turned out ok, some people may beg to differ, but today I'm your regular girl, sometimes girly, sometimes not.  The fact that I wore a tie, and I think it was to a cousin's wedding now that I think about it, might have steered you to imagine me as a some hard core butch with bounded breasts today.  Yew and no.  So just let the kid wear whatever she wants.  God only knows what she's going to turn out to be.  Add to this the fact that I have a girly ex classmate who's well called Andy or something today.  You just don't know and that's the wonder of it all aint it?

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