Monday, March 22


Hands down, pants down, Wicked is the best musical ever.  I've only watched it twice, once in Chicago, the other in Melbourne.  I've heard (and sung) to the soundtrack thousands of times and I still can't get enough of it.  They're coming to Kalamazoo in Michigan (its a short drive there) and I'm soooo tempted to head down to catch it... again!

I've always enjoyed musicals.  Somehow the whole "let's break into song in the midst of a conversation" thing speaks wonders to me.  Wicked however doesn't just speak to you, it captivates your mind, it brings a song to your heart.  The musical based off a bestselling book is exactly what a bestselling book is all about - a damn great story.  Top that off with awesome contemporary sounds and the wonders of green makeup and you have yourself a Tony award winning musical.

To give you a quick gist of the story, the musical revolves around the friendship of Elphaba (the very green Wicked witch of the west) and Glinda, the Good witch of the North.  It essentially tells the story of what happened before Dorothy arrived from good ol' Kansas.  Through their opposing personalities, political unrest, rivalry in love, the 2 witches find in themselves and each other not only true friendship but strength and courage to face all that is to come before them.  

To watch or not to watch, that is the question.  

"I think I'll try defying gravity... and you can't pull me down..."

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