Tuesday, April 13

My Obsession with Feet

Feet carry us where we need to go.  Everyday we put the weight of our entire beings on those little two feet.  And yet, they're always so quickly forgotten, hidden under shoes, socks and other accouterment.  I personally love having really soft feet.  No one sees it, no one feels it but I somehow feel for all they do for me, they do deserve that little pampering.  
So this what I do at least 3 times a week.  I slather my feet in good ol' Eucerin (the sticky gooey cream, not the lotion!) and then put on my trusty socks and head to bed.  The next morning, my feet feel so soft, you'd think they've never taken a step in their life!  So this is the story of my feet.  
Not quite the most interesting of posts I know.  Definitely not something that adds any value to your life whatsoever.  But I just thought my feet outta get some attention.  

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