Monday, April 12

Catching the Other Shoe

So I've never mentioned this before but there is another lesbian in the program.  (Chang chang chang chang! - that's the sound of cymbals by the way, for dramatic effect). I actually only found out quite recently, like maybe last semester (ok ok maybe not THAT recently) but strangely enough, we've never really talked.  I know most people think we think we travel in packs, like wolves or dogs or llamas, well we don't.  To begin with, we don't usually bump into each other - we aren't in any similar classes, we take different concentrations, I'm far less social and while the MBA program isn't that big, it really isn't that small either.  Its hard to know every single person. 

So anyway she knows I'm gay and I know she's gay, but we never quite did our secret handshake thing... until today.  We finally met and said hi.  Because I tend to over think things, I thought it might have been weird but it actually turned out pretty normal... like meeting any other person in the program.  I wonder why I thought it would be weird.  Oh yes  I have to admit the anticipated weirdness was compounded by the fact that I kinda drunk-called her Friday night.  Didn't say much, but still drunk-calling, that's never good.

So that's the most exciting part of my day - I lead an awfully exciting life don't I - meeting the other one.  Well at least she's cute and funny in snarky sort of way.  Then again, that's how most lezzies are anyway right, well at least the more interesting ones.  :D 

1 comment:

  1. drunk dialling = bci - "booty call implication"!
